Rules and Regulations
We are judged by our behaviour. Politeness and good manners make favourable impression; rudeness and vulgarity make a bad one. If we behave badly in public, we not only let ourselves down but also our parents, our teachers and our Institution. By trying to control ourselves in speech and action, we shall build up a good standard of behaviour. Then, we can truly say that we are well mannered.
The following courtesy points will help us in our efforts:
- Students in class should all stand when a visitor enters the room. They should remain standing unless or until told to sit, and they should stand again when the visitor leaves.
- Always stand smartly when speaking to a faculty or elders and avoid keeping hands in the pant pocket.
- Treat old people with respect, and help them whenever they need it.
- It would be courteous to say “Can I help you?” to any stranger in the college campus, who obviously does not know the way or need some help.
- If a faculty or any adult drops anything, it is polite to pick it up for him.
- If you are seated in a crowded bus and an old person gets in and finds no vacant seats, it is polite for you to stand up and offer yours.
- When greeting people it is better to say “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” etc., than “Hello”.
- If you have to pass close in front of anyone always say “Excuse me”.
- When speaking to visitors in college, address a lady as “Madam”/”Mam” and Gentlemen as “Sir”.
- Chewing (gum, sweet, etc.,) in public is not polite and is forbidden in the classroom & seminar hall.
- Cultivate the habit of quite controlled movement and speech.
- If you do not hear properly what was said to you, say “I beg your pardon”.
- Say “Thank you” for any service rendered to you.
- Maintain silence in the library.
- If you MUST cough or sneeze in public, do it quietly in a handkerchief; but refrain from doing it if you can.
General Instructions
- Students are expected to wear neat decent & simple dress that conforms to the dress regulation laid down by the college.
- Wearing jeans pant, Printed Shirts and T shirts are not permitted. Wearing Black shoes and College ID card is must inside the campus.
- Students shall not loiter in groups in the lobby or along corridor or anywhere in the campus during college hours.
- Students should cultivate the habit of reading notices on the college & Hostel Notice Boards.
- Good manners demand that every student should greet the members of staff on their first meeting of a day.
- Students are not permitted to leave the campus during working hours without valid gate pass.
- Students are not permitted to have mobile phones with them when they are inside the campus.
- Students should adhere to the college timings. In case of late arrival students should register their arrival time with security and deposit their Identity Cards with them for entering the premises. The deposited Identity Card can be received from the Principal only after proper justification of their late arrival.
- The morning session commences with a prayer. Students will assemble in their respective classes and meditate for some time.
- No student is allowed to leave the class room without the permission of the staff concerned.
- Students should keep the premises of the college clean & tidy. Writing on the walls, black boards, desks and throwing scraps of paper anywhere in the premises are totally forbidden.
- Smoking and consuming alcoholic drinks/drugs are strictly forbidden.
- Students should handle the college property with care and not to involve in damaging switch boards, name boards, wash basins, mirrors, urinal partitions, etc., to avoid common breakages.
- No student shall take part in politics.
- Students should not involve themselves directly or indirectly in any activity that disrupts National integrity.
- Students should not break the rules of travel in buses.
- Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting in the college premises or to collect money for any purpose.
- Students shall be humble to seniors, polite to all, prompt to oblige and maintain good discipline.
- Students shall spend their leisure time in the library or shall engage themselves in some useful creative work.
- Violation of co-education rules of the college will be strictly dealt with and the students involved in love affairs are liable to be expelled from the college.
- Students involving in Ragging, unlawful & criminal activities or serious breach of discipline are liable for dismissal from college.
The students should maintain decorum in meetings and functions. - Students should not indulge in the misuse of Social Medias that malign the name and fame of the institution.
- Ragging & Eve teasing are totally prohibited.