Research & Development – Key Points

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- Posted in Research & Development
♦ Institution is recognized as in-house R&D by Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Government of India.
♦ CSE department is recognized as a Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai from Jan 2015.
Details of Major Funded Projects:
♦ G.Wiselin Jiji has received a total fund of Rs.77.74 lakhs from various funding agencies such as AICTE, DRDO, DST & BIRAC-SRISTI for 11 projects.
♦ K.Manimala has received a fund of Rs.6.80 lakhs from DRDO.
♦ Department of Civil Engineering has received a fund of Rs.13 lakhs from AICTE under MODROBS scheme.
Details of Students R&D Funded Projects:
♦ Students of CSE department have successfully completed fifteen student’s R&D projects(minor) funded by the agencies like Institution of Engineers and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology under the guidance of faculty members.
♦ Students of ECE department have successfully completed nine student’s R&D projects(minor) funded by Tamil Nadu state council for Science and Technology under the guidance of faculty members.
♦ Students of IT department have successfully completed seven student’s R&D projects(minor) funded by Institution of Engineers.
♦ Students of EEE department have successfully completed three student’s R&D projects(minor) and one ongoing project funded by Institution of Engineers.
♦ Students of Civil department have successfully completed one student’s R&D project(minor) funded by Institution of Engineers.
♦ Consultancy Services have been undertaken by Chemistry, Civil and Computer Science Engineering departments.
♦ Faculty visiting abroad on invitation for Research Purpose.
♦ Both Faculty and Students published papers in Anna University- ANNEXURE I & ANNEXURE II Journals and UGC Recognized Journals.